Top 10 Make-up Tricks to Look Younger

Top 10 Make-up Tricks to Look Younger

Top 10 Make-up Tricks to Look Younger Almost all women in the elder ages want to look and feel younger. There are tons of creams and gels that are supposed to make you look younger. Instead of using harsh chemicals at night for anti-aging features, there are some make-up tricks you can use. Here is a list of the top 10 tricks used today.

1.    No Shimmer:

When women are younger, they love to wear shimmer powder on their eyelids. When you start to see wrinkles in your eyes, the shimmer powder can accentuate these lines and make them more predominant. If you instead use a matte shadow on your eyes, they will appear smoother and tighter.

2.    A little goes a long way:

Instead of caking on the makeup for a night out, try putting on less makeup. Sometimes all you need is some powder foundation and some eyeliner. When women put on liquid foundation, powder foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blush and lipstick, they can look like they are trying too hard and appear older in appearance.

3.    Light makeup:

When you use light liquids and powders opposed to thick ones, your face will look smoother and younger. The thick foundations have been known for sinking into the creases and crevices of the face. If there are any lines on your face, your makeup will find them and point them out.

4.    Lip gloss:

Adding lip gloss to your daily makeup routine will take at least 5 years off of your appearance. Dry lipstick can make the creases in your lips look bigger and deeper. They will also look thinner with dry lipstick. The lip gloss will make them look thicker and bigger.

5.    Curler:

A lot of women don’t use eyelash curlers anymore. To look a little younger, it might be time to bring that curler out again. It can open your eyes to make them look bigger and wider. This will make you look younger almost instantly.

6.    Change foundation:

If you have been using the same shade of foundation for the past 15 years, it might be time to change things up. Your skin tone can actually change while you age. If you are using the wrong foundation color, you might be making your skin appear older than it actually is.

7.    Neutral tones:

The bright colors and shadows are for the teenage girls and young women. If you are using these bright colors in the older ages, you can actually look older rather than younger. If you use some neutral tones, browns, greens, tans and light colors, you will look and feel younger.

8.    Rosie cheeks and lips:

Instead of using a bright red lipstick and a bright pink blush, you can use one color for both. A light rose color will look great on your lips and your cheeks. This color matches great with a neutral eye color as well. The rose wont be too bright or too dull for the lips or the cheeks.

9.    Eyedrops:

Even though these aren’t considered to be makeup, they can reduce the look of your face by many years. When women have red and dry eyes, they can look tired and older. With bright and moisturized eyes, they will look awake and younger.

10.    Groomed eyebrows:

Looking younger can be one of the most important things for an older woman. If you try out any of these tricks, you will be able to look and feel younger almost instantly.

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