Top 8 Best Things to Say to a Guy You Just Met

Top 8 Best Things to Say to a Guy You Just Met

The most challenging part of meeting a new guy is to know the best way to strike an engaging conversation up that will make him want more. So, we’ve brought you the 8 best things to say so you can hook up with any dude, anytime, anywhere.

1. At the club: ‘Dare you to show me that moonwalk.’

To guys, it’s as mandatory to prove themselves in a dare as it is to apply deo spray every morning. Macarena, Dougie, or moonwalk – he is going to oblige. When he ends up making a total clown of himself, you will be right there to go in and save him from 2 left feet. Guessing he’s going to be polite enough to repay you with a drink.

2. At the restaurant bar: ‘They’ve got the best ever nachos here. Have you ever tried them?’

If no nachos are on the menu, choose some other menu item you’ve got strong opinions of, like wings or pizza. Best bet? He comes with you and agrees to share up a plate of it. Worst case scenario? The guy disagrees and you fight over it flirtatiously. Then, you offer him to buy some – simply to prove the guy wrong. It’s really a ‘win-win’ line that’s going to get any guy eating right off the plate. Quite literally.

3. At friend’s party: ‘ I’ve been wanting to speak to you right since I got here, but no one’s even introduced me. So, I thought I’d go ahead and introduce myself.’

Men love confident women. He will think that your ‘chutzpah’ in approaching him is pretty hot. Of course, many guys also like making the first move. However, that does not mean that they will not be surprised pleasantly when the girl does the legwork instead for once.

4. At laundromat: ‘I am bored. Whaddya typically do when the underwear’s drying?’

Guys are very visual creatures. Although you’ve just mentioned the guy’s underwear, he is thinking of yours automatically and how they are most likely lacy and black or not even there altogether. So, you’ve basically got him hooked onto you right there. Even if the only awesome suggestion you’ve got is a quick Fruit Ninja round on your iPhone, he’s definitely in.

5. At the park: Any clue how this blanket can be turned into that Twister board? Really dying to play!’

This one is going to show the guy that you’re energetic, playful, and fun – an all-rounder quick line. He will be very curious to know what other impossibly crazy things you’ll dream up next.

6. At baseball games: ‘Bet you a drink that (insert name of player)’s gonna hit a home-run within the inning.’

It is the nature of men to be very competitive. There really is nothing like a little harmless poke to get ‘em roaring and going. He will most likely raise stakes, turn that drink into shots, and even spend the rest of the time at the game speaking to you. Thus, even if the player with the cute booty ends up not hitting home run, you’ve just scored a date after the game.

7. At the gym: ‘You definitely look like you’ve got your way about this place. Now, where’s the machine that works those glutes?’

While men consistently flatter their girlfriends (“Your hair look amazing today! Cute top!”), men infrequently receive any compliments from each other. So, when they catch one coming from you, they certainly do take note. By telling him that he certainly knows the way round that gym, it is you indirectly telling him how manly and buff he looks. That fees straight into the male macho ego. He will be more willing in helping you to find the machine you’ve been looking for in return. And, most likely, a ton more as well…

8. At the beach: ‘Bet you’ve been wondering how I keep off tan lines.’

No. He was not. However, after that last comment, that is probably all that his mind will think of so long as you are lying next to him. If it is on him, you will definitely be staying right there and talk to him… until you’ve given up your tan spray addiction secret to him anyway.

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