Top 9 Misconceptions About Marriage/Relationships

Top 9 Misconceptions About Marriage/Relationships

Being in a relationship is a gradual process that begins with courtship and then turns into an engagement, which eventually leads to marriage. During the past century the divorce rate has steadily increased and is now at never-before-seen levels. While the blame could lie on the shoulders of many different reasons, the rules remain unchanged for those who are still in relationships. Following are 9 misconceptions that many people have about marriage/relationships.

1. Marriage is a dying institution

Many believe that marriage is a bond that has seen its popularity come and go; they think less and less people are getting married now that many people use the Internet to satiate their sexual and social needs. However, over 80% of people in the U.S. eventually get married – this doesn’t seem like a number that points to marriage/relationships losing their popularity.

2. Staying in love is as easy as falling in love

Falling in love is easy to do if you have the right personality and you find someone with a personality that matches yours. Unfortunately, those giddy feelings you once had at the beginning of your relationship will probably disappear after a while. To get them back or, at the very least, to keep them going, you must constantly work to improve your relationship.

3. I don’t think my spouse could handle the trust, so I can keep my opinions inside

This could work for a short period of time but, eventually, all of those bottled up emotions inside of you will explode; in a worst case scenario, they could cause to you loathe your mate. Instead, talk to your significant other when you have a problem.

4. Something has gone wrong if there is no passion left in our relationship

Many people think this and it may be true – temporarily. When you feel that there is no passion left in your relationship you have to make passion. Cook your spouse dinner. Take them on a date. Reignite that spark that you once had!

5. If I try and change my significant other and it doesn’t work, we’re doomed

Do not try and change your mate – this will only lead to you having problems if they don’t act like you want them to. What’s more, they will see that you don’t accept that and this will affect their feelings towards you. Instead, try and accept your mate for who they are.

6. Other peoples’ opinions are the best way to go

Many believe that a co-worker’s thoughts or a friend’s opinion on your relationship is best because it is unbiased. This is wrong. The truth is, you are the closest to your mate and, as such, you should be the one making decisions about how to handle problems.

7. My marriage is too hard – I must have married the wrong person

This seems to be the overbearing thought these days – if it is too hard, it can’t be the right way to go. If you have problems with your marriage, this is normal. No one can get a long for 60 years without a fight!

8. I find other people attractive, so I must not love my spouse anymore

It is human nature to be attracted to people of the opposite sex. This shouldn’t unhinge your marriage/relationship though. You can look, just don’t touch.

9. Date nights are for newlyweds

What helped you fall in love? Date nights! So why shouldn’t you continue having these throughout your marriage? Make sure you save time for your significant other so you don’t grow apart.

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